Reaction-Injection-Moulding (RIM)
We spent many years researching, developing, experimenting, and racking up countless hours of overtime to marry premium injection molding with top-quality Votteler PURIFLOW® coating. Today we’re the owners – extremely proud owners – of one of the most advanced RIM systems in the world and have the ability to apply our coatings to plastic injection-molded parts in a single operation. At the end of the process, the finished, coated part is ejected – class A surfaces off the tool. For very special design requirements, we can create impressive surface finishes during the process – from a wide variety of colors to tactile experiences such as soft leather textures or brushed aluminum to stunning 3D effects. Also worth mentioning is the self-healing effect of the coated surface thanks to REFLOW.
The RIM method is becoming increasingly popular, especially in the automotive industry. But RIM can also improve surface quality and significantly increase profitability in many other areas. One look inside Votteler’s RIM Technology Center.